Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Interactive Prayer room

This past Sunday the South Carolina Baptist Convention set up an interactive prayer room in our church and it was amazing. There were stations to praise God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. There were stations of confession and repentance. You also had an opportunity to write out specific prayer requests and place them at the foot of the cross. We also had an opportunity to pray for missions and missionaries around the world and for church planters. There were so many opportunities to wait, listen, knell, lay prostate before God, plead, cry, and embrace Christ. However, the atmosphere may have had the biggest impact. There was soft lighting and it was in a tent like structure with soft music in the background. This provided and escape and an opportunity to unplug from this world and seek Christ uninhibited by anything that may distract. You could spend an hour in that room and not even know it. Wow, how many times have I forfeited God’s peace because I was too busy to seek Him.

Monday, April 7, 2008

So let's try this blogging thing.

This is an experiment to see of anyone really reads these things. I had wanted to start a blog for a while, but I know I will not be as disciplined as I should be. I really should not have started this now, I have too many pans in the fire as it is. But, this is my first experimental blog. I will post more later. For now, just enjoy the picture to the right.
The picture is of Jake, Jonah, and Faith. Again, just experimenting to see if I know what I am doing. Plus, this is a massive amount of cuteness and I can't think of a better picture to start my blog!!!