Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Keith Green and Missions

Wow, eight months later and I decide to blog again. How is that for a disciplined blogger? Oh well, like anyone even reads this blog anyway. LOL!

Christmas is almost here and I can help but think of the missionaries around the world. Sacrificing their Christmas and their lifestyle and their comfort, at times to follow in complete obedience to God's call. A friend of mine emailed me a list of why Keith Green thought missions was so important. Keith Green is one of my favorite artist because he held nothing back and spoke from the heart. He loved Jesus with an undying passion and even today few can match Keith Green's lyrical content when it comes to the pulse of the church.

Why missions is important according to Keith Green:
1) Because Jesus has told you to go.
2) You should go because the need is so great.
3) You should go because so few Christians are obeying the call, making the need even greater!
4) You should go because God gives special anointing and grace to those who leave their own land, people, and culture to do God's will and spread the Gospel.
5) You should go because America (and some other western nations) is literally drenched with the Gospel, while most other countries and cultures of the world do not have any continual, relevant witness at all.
6) You should go because, as Oswald J. Smith said, "No one has
the right to hear the Gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heart it once."
7) You should go because the time is short. More and more countries are closing their doors to missionaries and the Gospel, and we must go now.
8) You should go because the Holy Spirit is speaking to Christian leadership all over the world that it is God's desire for there to be a great final missionary thrust with the Gospel before the end of the age. It is His desire that every people should have the Gospel preached to them, and that the Gospel should be published in every nation and in every language. And unless YOU get involved personally, there is no hope of that ever happening in our generation!