Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Church Hoppers

Wow only 3.5 years since my last blog post.  Let’s see if we can resurrect this thing.  Here are a few thoughts on church hoppers.  The following thoughts do not take into account those who are in the military or who have to move often.  These thoughts are based on those who are one place for over 10 years.  I also recognize that every rule has an exception.  So, here goes…..

If you are on your third church in 10 years chances are there are one of two things happening. One, you are not really seeking Christ on where He wants you to plug in a make a difference in His Kingdom. There is obviously some very poor discernment taking place in the lives of church hoppers. Two, you are so thin skinned or selfish that you let the littlest thing drive you away. Remember the church isn’t there to serve you; you are there to serve the church. We often treat the church like McDonald’s and if someone gets our order wrong, we write them off and go to Burger King.  Jesus told Peter that the church is unstoppable and that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). Our fickleness makes the church LOOK very stoppable.