Friday, February 28, 2014

Jesus Loves the Outcasts

Such true and comforting words. Part of the way He loves outcasts (which we all fit in that category in one way or another) is to demand repentance. Repentance, simply put, is actively admitting and turning away from sin. Sin is what separates us from a living and vibrant relationship with Christ. Jesus, in complete perfection, died on the cross to glorify His Father and offer eternal and abundant life to those who receive Him as Lord and Savior. He ultimately defeated death and ascended to the right hand of His Father. Our repentance means we agree with God that sin is sin and we are guilty and in our sinful state can’t have the relationship with God that He desires. The gift of receiving Christ gift of salvation includes our repentance.

Some mistake this as RELIGION and I understand how some may get these confused. Webster defines RELIGION as “an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.” What makes FAITH IN CHRIST different that the completely other category of RELIGION is the MOTIVE behind our obedience. RELIGIONS demand their followers obey rules in order to achieve their god’s love, or to achieve nirvana or to get rewarded in some way. Christ followers don’t follow rules made by man in order to win God’s approval. We obey the infallible Word of God in order to express our love back to Jesus for His saving work on the cross. The very nature for our obedience to God is our LOVE expressed back to God. Our Obedience to God’s Word has nothing with earning His love or approval. I am blessed with 4 children and none of them have to earn my love no matter what they do. I am also blessed in knowing they love me. The most sincere expression of their love is their obedience to their mom and dad. But they are not perfect. They miss up and we lovingly correct them (like Christ does with the Christ-follower).

Amazingly enough we are not left on our own when we receive God’s grace through Jesus Christ. After we repent and receive Christ, God gives us another incredible gift of Himself in the Holy Spirit who actually abides in the new Believer. Now we have God in us via the person of the Holy Spirit. He then guides, directs, gives discernment, wisdom, and convicts us when we sin and comforts us when we hurt. This is not a complete list of all the Holy Spirit does and this does not happen without the new Believer actively seeking the Holy Spirit consistently. (That is why Paul says to, “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

I did not intend this to be this long of a statement. My original intention was just to state a cool lyric for an old Relient K CD.  I am not expecting to start a debate or even to change minds. My expression in the post is to hopefully provide clarity for those who confuse RELIGION with RELATIONSHIP.  (Disclaimer: the words in ALL CAPS were not an expression of shouting, but to draw attention to significant words and phrases.)