God knows us better than we
know ourselves. There is no need to hide how we are feeling to God, He
already knows. I love David’s honesty and transparency as He seeks God in Psalms.
David sees his enemies, who do not love or honor God, prosper and says, “For I
was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked…Behold,
these are the wicked; always at ease, they increase in riches. All in vain have
I kept my heart clean and washed my hands in innocence” (Ps. 73:3,12, 13). David
is looking at outward circumstances and is witnessing his enemies do well while
he pursues God with what he perceives as a pure heart and that makes David completely
As David continues to seek
God he realizes his heart wasn’t as pure as he thought. “When my soul was embittered,
when I was pricked in heart, I was brutish and ignorant; I was like a beast
toward you [God]” (Ps. 73:21, 22). As we continue to seek God and lay ourselves before him, He will reveal the true nature of our heart. We may start
off complaining to God about our situation, but then as we allow Him to truly
search our heart; He may reveal to us the reality of the situation regarding our
sin. David admits his weakness and finally rejoices in God as he states, “My flesh
and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion
forever” (Ps. 73:26).
The key is to continually
seek God. Cry out to Him when frustrated. He already knows the reality of the
situation and in ways we can't even fathom. He can surly handle us expressing our feelings honestly. But we
can’t forget to listen as we seek Him. Listen as God searches our heart and
brings better clarity to the situation by revealing the true nature of our
heart. David ends Psalm 73 by remembering that God is not only a patient and
loving God, but He is also a just God. “For behold, those who are far from you
shall perish; you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you. But for me
it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge that I may tell
of all your good works” (Ps.73:27, 28). We can’t surprise God therefore cry out to Him and seek Him honestly. Actively
listen to Him as He reveals the reality
of the situation, especially the reality of the condition of OUR own heart. Honestly seeking God prevents us from letting circumstances steal our joy.