Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Telling a Good Story

I love a good story.  If you are ever in my home or office you will find many books and movies that inspire, humble, and motivate.  And a good story can elicit a myriad of emotions from joy, to sadness, and everything in between.

As a pastor, I am always looking for ways to better communicate the best and most important story ever told. The story of the complete, amazing, and persistent love of Jesus spurs me forward every day.  And of course, I consistently proclaim the Gospel to both the members and guests of State Street Baptist Church almost every week. However, proclaiming the Gospel means nothing if my life doesn’t reflect Christ. Even in my imperfection and the process of repentance, the story of God’s forgiveness is proclaimed.

The Gospel literally means “good news” and is often been called, “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”  In an effort to better communicate the love of Jesus, I am always looking for inspiration and ways to proclaim the gospel with great clarity and passion.  My inspiration comes from a variety of sources.  God inspires me to hone my craft of preaching often times through with my relationship with my bride and my children. But God also uses comedians, news anchors, books, movies, and even commercials to inspire new, different, and better ways to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

When I see a great rendition of the Gospel I eagerly share it. The producers of the video below describe “The Story Maker” as follows: “The Story Maker animated children's film is a Spread Truth project aimed at helping children understand the metanarrative of Scripture. It's also the first of its kind to help children share the Gospel story with their friends and family. This short film will help children engage and share the story of the Bible and Jesus, the rescuer.” I hope you enjoy this short film and may you have a very Merry Christmas!!