Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Parents and Discipleship

I have been a youth pastor for over 20 years.  When I was in my 20’s, and single, my arrogance was shameful. I thought I had the “game plan” and that all the parents had to do was drop off their kids at church and I would return them loving Jesus more than anyone in their family.  As I have gotten older and God has blessed me with a godly bride and 4 kids, my approach has changed drastically.

 First, I see the need for humbleness in all phases of ministry but especially when dealing with parents and intentionally involving them in ministry at church and at home. I didn’t realize how little I knew about discipleship until I got married and had children. (I am not saying getting married and having children is a prerequisite to understanding true discipleship. I am simply stating God unveiled to me glaring weaknesses in MY understanding and approach to discipleship through my family.)

Second, my focus has shifted more from trying to understand youth culture to better understanding God’s Word. Youth culture changes so rapidly that even youth can’t keep up with it anymore. The unchanging, solid-rock foundation of God’s Word is what the only enteral part of their being (their souls) truly craves. I still examine the culture, but not with the intensity I once did.

Lastly, I understand that I have to give up a few popular things in the ministry in order to better equip parents to disciple their children at home. This part has not been easy. The time constraints families have on them today are tremendous.  We have had to cut back on a few things in order to allow a time where we can have the most parents available so they can be better equipped to disciple at home. This is such a passion of mine that I am currently writing my D. Min. dissertation on “Equipping Parents to Fulfill their Role in Biblical Discipleship.”      
The biggest thing I have learned in teaching 3 weeks of this 10 week class is how excited and hungry the parents are to be better equipped to biblically lead at home. I gave them a questionnaire to gage their competence and understating of in-home discipleship during the first class and one of the questions that we asked was:  “Have you ever had training or a class that taught you how to disciple your children?” An abysmal 2% said yes. This is an indictment on our church and shows our failure to address one of the most glaring problems in the church today. Parents need the church to step up and at least offer some equipping in the area of in-home discipleship. To not do this means we are not fulfilling the role of the pastors to equip the saints as stated in Ephesians 4:11-12.  

Friday, July 19, 2013

Discerning Truth: The Bible vs. The Mainstream Media

I have stayed out of the Zimmerman/Martin discussion because I don't want to exploit a tragedy to try to further my political views.  The following link is not about Zimmerman/Martin but more about the way the mainstream media shapes news and how they cherry pick their stories (and information revealed in their stories) based on the agenda they are trying to further.   http://www.westernjournalism.com/the-truth-about-george-zimmerman/ Granted, the site I am linking to also has an agenda, but doesn’t have the power or authority the mainstream media holds. (The ultimate power and authority of God’s Word will be addressed a little later, and no media outlet can compare to that.) The story paints Zimmerman in a favorable light and adds facts the mainstream media chose to ignore.  Do I believe Zimmerman is without vault? No. (Who is?) Do I believe him to be the monster the mainstream media has pictured him? No.  The Martin death is a tragedy, but so is the story of Pat Mahaney who was beaten to death by 6 teens.  This story is not highlighted by the mainstream media because Mr. Mahaney did not fit the profile that would further their agenda.  Be wise and discerning when choosing your news source.  Don’t just view sites or watch news that caters to your political or ideological views.  Try to get the whole story.  It may take some digging, but the reward of finding more of the complete truth is well worth it.  


Digging for truth in the Scriptures is even more worth it and God rewards those who genuinely seek truth.  Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8 ESV).  But what is the truth Jesus is talking about?  Ultimately He is talking about Himself.  Jesus also declared, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 ESV).  Discerning truth in any man made news agency can be difficult and even the best discernment is never going to be able to reveal the total truth of any story via the media.  However the good news is that truth from Scripture can be discerned by those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.  “. . . the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.  For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:10-11 ESV).   

The truth the media offers is worth investigating but the truth that the Holy Scriptures offer is of the highest importance.  Media truth can inform and produce knowledge.  Biblical truth, via the Holy Spirit, transforms a person into the image of God.  

Let me close by letting God’s Word speak for itself regarding the transformative work Jesus Christ does to a person who receives Him as Lord and Savior.  Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:9-10 ESV).  Paul stated, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV). 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

"Do Everything Without Complaining" Philippians 2:14

     I didn’t sleep well last night.  I was under conviction for a tweet I posted last night.  It was whiny, complaining, and did not display a thankful heart.  The tweet was, “Now I remember why I don't do Winter jam. Big mistake.”  (Winter Jam is never well organized regarding entry into the venue and there were people getting ahead of us that shouldn’t have and I expressed my disdain for that.  However, what they lack in organization in getting people in the building, they make up for a cost effective, celebration of Jesus Christ where the gospel is proclaimed faithfully. The picture is my 2 oldest boys I took to the tour.  They had a blast!) I regretted tweeting it as soon as I did it.  But once you put something out there for the world to see on Facebook, Twitter, etc. it is there for good.  I know I could have deleted it, but I knew people had already seen it and I thought it would be better to allow others to learn from my mistake.  

     The Holy Spirit has many roles in the building up of His people.  The Holy Spirit reveals truth, He gives evidence of God’s presence, He guides and directs People, He gives us assurance, and He convicts us of sin.   Conviction from the Holy Spirit is a good thing.  It can be very painful, but it is a true sign of the love of God has for His children.  If He didn’t love us, He would just let us sink in our sin.  

     Someone who has been redeemed, born again, and now has a new life in Christ has no business complaining, PERIOD.   Philippians is one of my favorite books in the Bible.  I marvel at how encouraging and empowering Paul is to the Church in Philippi all the while he is writing this letter in prison.  Paul writes, “Do EVERYTHING without COMPLAINING or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you SHINE like stars in the universe” (Philippians 2:14-15 NIV) Paul has every reason to complain because he is in jail unjustly, however his advice to the Church at Philippi is to NOT complain.  The world needs to see the church stop being so petty and not look like a bunch of spoiled little brats.  This is why I was under conviction.  I had a little twitter tantrum.  Thank God he is faithful and just to forgive when we repent (1 John 1:9). The church needs to SHINE despite any circumstance.  Paul didn’t prefer to be in prison, but he trusted God’s sovereignty and there were soldiers and prisoners at the jail that needed to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.  

     Learn from my mistake.  Before you tweet or post on Facebook, think about your words.  Are they encouraging, and inspiring and point to Christ, or do they seem petty, complaining and unthankful? Whenever tempted to “vent” with a negative post just remember these timeless lines from Amazing Grace, “I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see.”  We have for more to be thankful for than we do to complain about. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Identity in Christ!!

I can be a hot-headed, over-competitive, lazy, ungrateful, complaining, over-sarcastic, wretched man.  (That is really just the tip of the iceberg.  There are many more faults that I am too embarrassed to post). But thanks be to God because “He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 1:6). I, like all believers, are works in progress.  The theological phrase that describes this is, “progressive sanctification.”  I am grateful that my sin doesn’t define me, because Christ took the penalty of my sins (and the entire world’s sin John 3:16) on the cross and then victoriously defeated death!!! This fact doesn’t give me license to sin, as a matter of fact it motivates me to call on the Holy Spirit to, “live a life worthy of the calling I have received” (Ephesians  4:1). Although I still struggle with my flesh, my identity is in the ONE who paid it all!!!  “If anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17.